Good health enhances your student's ability to learn. School nursing has grown to meet student need, and involves much more than dispensing hugs and band-aids! Nurses address issues that face our students and assist teachers to enable our students the best learning experience.
Keep your student's health and emergency information updated with current names and telephone numbers by contacting your school.
Student Health Information is updated yearly. Please keep your school nurse updated on your child's health status, such as surgeries, medications, illnesses/diseases, new diagnoses, or other conditions that may affect your child's school performance.
Certain health conditions may require an Individual Health Plan (IHP) for the safety and well being of your child. Please contact your school nurse if you believe your child may benefit from an Individual Health Plan.
Students with potentially life-threatening health conditions
Students with potentially life-threatening health conditions require an Emergency Care Plan (ECP) to be in place before they may attend school. Please contact your school nurse if you have questions. [email protected]
Required student immunizations
Washington State requires certain immunizations before children may attend school. Children may get their immunizations from their health care provider.
In order to dispense prescription medicine, the school district is required to have an authorization form completed by the prescribing physician and the parent/guardian. Over-the-counter medication requires an authorization form signed by the physician.
Washington State law provides that students requiring rescue medications may carry and self-administer an inhaler, or Epi-pen, after certain paperwork and training have been accomplished. If you would like more information about this, please contact your school nurse.
Vision & Hearing Screening
- Washington State law requires school districts to perform an annual health screening for vision & hearing.
- Students may be referred to their school nurse for individual screening by a parent or teacher.
- Vision and Hearing screening is offered to grades K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7.
- These are screening services only and do not take the place of examinations performed by your eye specialist or family physician.
Special Dietary Needs
USDA Child Nutrition Programs support access to healthy meals to all children, including children with disabilities who have special dietary needs. Under the law, a disability is an impairment which substantially limits a major life activity, which can include allergies and digestive conditions but does not include personal diet preferences.