The Census population for Tonasket SD is 6863, an increase of 225 from the 2010 Census population. Each district needs to grow 45 persons to stay on par. Your 3rd and 4th districts lost population. The remaining three districts grew but not equally. In order to meet the requirements, the school director boundaries needed minor adjustments.
The linked maps on the left show our existing district boundaries loaded into the new 2020 Census Block polygons. It is common that there are little changes to the areas of coverage as growth happens over a decade and there are some but the population effect is slight. Even changes to City boundaries and WA Voting Precinct polygons change Census Blocks. So no real change in the Census Blocks between the coverages of 2010 and 2020.
The narrative description of the proposed boundaries is also included. This information is available for public review before it is approved by the school board on March 30 at their regular meeting. Anyone wishing to comment is invited to attend the board meeting where there will be a public comment session before the board approves the adjusted boundaries.